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B-21 Bomber First Flight Softens Up China on Nukes and AI

B-21 Bomber First Flight Softens Up China on Nukes and AI

11/27/2023 12:00:00 AM EST
11 months ago

The Air Force’s super-secret B-21 Raider stealth bomber quietly made its first flight in California on Nov. 10, flying from the factory to Edwards AFB at not much more than tree-top level.  Yes, right before China’s President Xi Jinping visited San Francisco.  As I wrote for Fox News Opinion, all of the sudden China wants to start talks on AI and nuclear weapons.   On Nov. 15, the White House confirmed the U.S. and China will talk about the risks of advanced AI systems.  Little wonder, for the B-21 is full of AI.   As the B-21 matures through ...

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B-21 Bomber First Flight Softens Up China on Nukes and AI

B-21 Bomber First Flight Softens Up China on Nukes and AI

11/27/2023 12:00:00 AM EST
11 months ago

The Air Force’s super-secret B-21 Raider stealth bomber quietly made its first flight in California on Nov. 10, flying from the factory to Edwards AFB at not much more than tree-top level.  Yes, right before China’s President Xi Jinping visited San Francisco.  As I wrote for Fox News Opinion, all of the sudden China wants to start talks on AI and nuclear weapons.   On Nov. 15, the White House confirmed the U.S. and China will talk about the risks of advanced AI systems.  Little wonder, for the B-21 is full of AI.   As the B-21 matures through ...

Israel is Biden's Biggest Crisis and US Security is on the Line

Israel is Biden's Biggest Crisis and US Security is on the Line

10/19/2023 12:00:00 AM EDT
1 years ago

Saturday, Oct. 7, was Israel’s 911.  And it’s become President Joe Biden’s biggest national security test, as I wrote for Fox News Opinion.  Biden has sent 2 aircraft carriers, more USAF fighters, has Marines at the ready and is restocking munitions like Small Diameter Bomb and the Iron Dome interceptors, to name a few.  The stakes go up and up.  Israeli tanks and troops are massed on the border with Gaza.  The  U.S. State Department on Oct. 19 warned American abroad to watch out.     Failure here emboldens Iran, or worse.  Time is up.  Hamas military capability ...

China Takes Back Pandas from Washington, DC

China Takes Back Pandas from Washington, DC

9/29/2023 12:00:00 AM EDT
1 years ago

October 1 is your last chance to see the Smithsonian's pandas at the Washington National Zoo.  Read my Fox News Opinion piece on why this marks an end to the 51 years of attempting to be friends with the Chinese Communist party.  Turns out China was only leasing them to the USA, and two adults and their three-year old cub are going home.  Guess who is keeping their pandas?  Moscow.  Whether its military aggression, assaults on the dollar or building more nuclear weapons, China doesn't do panda diplomacy anymore.  I'm sad to see the pandas leave, but ...

Air Force Gen. Brown May be Next JCS Chairman

Air Force Gen. Brown May be Next JCS Chairman

5/12/2023 12:00:00 AM EDT
1 years ago

Biden may soon tap Gen. C.Q. Brown to replace Gen. Milley as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, so I'm reposting my Fox News Opinion piece on Brown written in June 2020.  Brown is from an under-represented group: the Air Force.  Only 4 of 20 Chairmen have come from the Air Force, and the last was Gen. Richard Myers, who retired in 2005.  Before Myers, the gap went back to 1982.  With threats from China affecting air, space and cyberspace too, America needs an airman as the most senior military adviser.  Brown is a fighter pilot who ...

B-21 Stealth Bomber, China and Tom Cruise?

B-21 Stealth Bomber, China and Tom Cruise?

1/2/2023 12:00:00 AM EST
1 years ago

The new B-21 bomber unveiled Dec. 2 is still holding many, many secrets.  Read my Opinion piece from FOX News here.  China is desperate to know if the Air Force’s B-21 stealth bomber is capable of unmanned flight.  Then there's the question of what the bomber is designed to attack, whether it can fly without pilots, where the engines are, and more.  The B-21 is so cool and capable, I'm advocating for a starring role in Top Gun 3, if Tom Cruise ever produces it.  

B-21 Raider Bomber Shock Effect

B-21 Raider Bomber Shock Effect

12/13/2022 12:00:00 AM EST
1 years ago

It's nice to shock China.  On Dec. 2, the Air Force rolled out the super-secret B-21.   I was there, and wow.  This is a strikingly beautiful,  advanced bomber.  Read more of my opinions on the B-21 for FOX News.  Russia and China have nothing like this new stealth bomber.  "It's a testament to our strategy of deterrence," Sec Def Lloyd Austin said.  Frankly, the Air Force has done a poor job buying new planes recently, but here's a chance for Congress and the USAF to budget for cost-efficient production, maybe 15 per year at peak.  The B-21 ...



How Ukraine Can Beat Russia: Watch the Jaws of Kramatorsk

How Ukraine Can Beat Russia: Watch the Jaws of Kramatorsk

5/23/2022 12:00:00 AM EDT
2 years ago

Forget whoever said there's a stalemate in the Ukraine war.  At the 3-month mark, it's a hot fight every day on a 100-mile, curving front near the city of Kramatorsk.  Russia has forces north and south trying to snap the jaws shut.  Zelenskyy must hold the roads east of Kramatorsk if he hopes to push out Russian forces.  Read more from my FOX News Opinion piece. 

Air Force, Don't Cut a Single Bomber

Air Force, Don't Cut a Single Bomber

4/30/2020 12:00:00 AM EDT
4 years ago

B-2 Stealth Bomber At War

B-2 Stealth Bomber At War

6/4/2019 12:00:00 AM EDT
5 years ago

B-2s are at the center of war plans, for every theater of operations around the globe. 

B-2 Stealth Bomber At War  highlights twenty years of missions as seen by pilots and the team of the Air Force's 509th Bomb Wing at Whiteman AFB.  The story begins with the B-2's first flight on July 17, 1989.  Ten years later, the B-2 went to war for the first time in NATO's Operation Allied Force, introducing precision, all-weather stealth attack in the 78-day air campaign.  In 2001, a B-2 crew set the record for a combat mission at 44.3 ...

Smart Data Fusion for Multi Domain Operations

Smart Data Fusion for Multi Domain Operations

9/17/2018 12:00:00 AM EDT
6 years ago

Data fusion at the tactical edge is a top need for the US military's new concept for Multi-Domain Operations.  US forces came to rely on combat data networks developed in battles in Afghanistna, Iraq and Syria.  But Russia and China's electronic warfare and cyber systems threaten US combat networks.  Fortunately, the technology is ready to test smart data fusion hubs: a new type of network "box" that fits on current airplanes, ships and other platforms to process, sort and refine data in real time, at the tactical edge, while operations are underway.   Over time, the connections and processing ...

Power Up Army Helicopters

Power Up Army Helicopters

11/2/2017 12:00:00 AM EDT
6 years ago

New engines can boost the range and payload of the US Army's Blackhawk and Apache helicopters.  GE and ATEC, a Pratt&Whitney and Honeywell team, are developing improved turbine engines to remove and replace on Arny helicopters.  This viatla competition will power up Army missions, making it possible to carry more soldiers, equipment and to omit hazardous forward area refuelings.  Under any budget IREP is a vital Army program -- and one that makes sense for America's global missions and counterterrorism fight.

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F-35 in the Pacific

F-35 in the Pacific

11/2/2017 12:00:00 AM EDT
6 years ago

US military options in the Pacific depend on airpower.  This paper examines how stealth and legacy fighters like the F-35, F-22 and F/A-18 among others may be deployed to counteract Chinese activity and give US commanders maximum options. 

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IRIS Independent Research offers expertise across a wide range of subjects, including National Security, Global Military Operations, Missile Defense, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Drones and Unmanned Operations, Aerospace Technology, Airpower, and American Political Culture.

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IRIS Independent Research provides research products and services across a wide range of public and private clients, including Aerospace, Defense, Military Aircraft, Unmanned Systems, Surveillance Systems, Missiles, Directed Energy, Military Aircraft Engines, Helicopters, Advanced Technology Programs, Multi-Domain Command and Control.


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